Found in: Lunchtime Talk
Discovering Sense of Place through a large scale hybrid zoetrope

Discovering Sense of Place through a large scale hybrid zoetrope

Lunchtime Talks


Please note: This event took place in Oct 2015

Lunchtime Talks are a series of informal presentations at Watershed's Pervasive Media Studio. They normally take place at 13:00 on a Friday, are free and are open to everybody who is interested in what they do. Come along, bring a sandwich, and get to know more about the Studio community, current and up-coming projects, or residents' work.

This week Studio resident Matt Bjerregaard will introduce us to something a little magical that he has just installed at the end of the pier at Brean Down in Somerset. Imagine a hand cranked zoetrope, that glows with the laser-cut words of British prisoners of war from times long forgotten as it spins. He will take us through some of the personal stories and inspiration behind the work, as well as the unusual fabrication processes involved in using laser cutting and traditional hand tools to create this unique and unexpected piece.

Sense of Place at Brean Down Fort is an installation for Somerset Art Weeks. It is a response to the stories of the people, the landscape and the buildings at Brean Down. Studio resident Matt Bjerregaard was invited to collaborate with three other artists to enable the hybridisation of their work to incorporate contemporary light technology. This enabled an intriguing combination of contemporary technology with more traditional textiles, sculpture and other art forms.

The profoundly dramatic peninsula and striking disposition of the buildings will have a mutual synchronisation to the artwork situated within the Officers' Mess. An energetic body of work takes the viewer on a visual and auditory journey for this year's Somerset Art Weeks where past histories will be brought to life through the arts, capturing the imagination of visitors, allowing for exploration and discovery. Matt’s talk will highlight these engaging works and focus upon the creative process of making a large scale hybrid zoetrope which captures the narrative of a British prisoner of war.

The Pervasive Media Studio is located within the Watershed building. Let us know if you'd like a tour and we'll be happy to show you around. Send an email to

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